
Tulsidas Jayanti 2020

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Tulsidas Jayanti

Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated every year in the honor of Goswami Tulsidas. It is held on the seventh day after in the Shravan month. In 2020, it will fall on- 27th of July (Monday) and thus celebrated as the Birthday of the Indian eminent Poet (author)- Tulsidas among Indians with intense gusto every year.

Goswami Tulsidas was a great worshipper of Lord Rama and represented his devotion by emphasising on the bhakti of Lord Ram in his compositions. He not only attained success through ram bhakti, but also tried to bind everyone with the ideals of Lord Rama. He composed Ramcharitmanas in devotion of Lord Rama in Hindi on the basis of Valmiki Ramayana.

Tulsidas, famous as- Goswami Tulsidas remained alive in between 1497-1623 C.E. (dates are not confirmed) Tulsidas was a prominent Hindu poet who wrote epic- Ramcharitmanas in the illustrious Awadhi Language which in Hindu-culture is famed as- Tulsidas Ramayana. 

This great author (Tulsidas) took birth on the seventh day (saptami) of the waxing moon (shuklpaksh) Shravana maas at Rajapur in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh (India), as stated in Hindu Lunar Calendar. Hence, Tulsidas Jayanti is marked as the birth-anniversary of the Great Poet-Tulsidas.

Tulsidas Jayanti | Muhurat Timings

  • Sunrise : July 27, 2020 5:59 AM

  • Sunset  : July 27, 2020 7:07 PM

  • Saptami Tithi Begins : July 26, 2020 9:32 AM

  • Saptami Tithi Ends    : July 27, 2020 7:09 AM

523th Birth Anniversary of Tulsidas

Rituals during Tulsidas Jayanti 

The day of Tulsidas Jayanti is celebrated with immense zeal and enthusiasm in remembrance of this great saint. This day gives every Hindu devotee a chance to express their gratitude towards the writer who popularized Ramayana in the whole of India. 

It was owing to the easy recitals and meaning of Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas that Lord Ram was known to a common man and also understood as a Supreme Being. On the auspicious day of Tulsidas Jayanti, various recitals of Sri Ramcharitmanas are held in temples of Lord Hanuman and Ram all over the country. On Tulsidas Jayanti several symposiums and seminars are held based on Tulsidas’s teachings. Also on this day there is also a ritual of feeding Brahmins in many places.

Tulsidas Jayanti | Unheard facts about Tulsidas

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  • Being one of the passionate devotees of Lord Rama, Tulsidas wrote his Ramayana in Awadhi Language and later on acclaimed as- Tulsidas Ramcharitmanas.

  • In Indian culture, Tulsidas is exalted as a personification of Maharishi Valmiki (the famous poet who wrote Ramayana)

  • In Varanasi, the most popular- Tulsi Ghat on the banks of the River-Ganges got the name after Tulsidas Ramayana as he dwelled his golden days in Varanasi- City of Ghat.

  • Tulsidas was from a Brahmin family; he woefully became an orphan in an instant. Hence a prestigious saint- Narharidas. nurtured and cared him while he was growing.

  • Being the most prestigious Hindu poet-sage, he inscribed The Ramcharitmanas (Ramayana in Sanskrit) and delineated it in an Awadhi language to the world- RAMAYANA TULSIDAS.

  • History says : the prominent Tulsidas was a contemporary of Emperor Akbar.

  • Tulsidas Ramayana has won a lot of hearts and eventually, it became the most celebrated Indian ancient write-ups.

  • He is the one who introduced the famous mantra “Ram-Nam”.

  • On his birthday (Jayanti), a trend of reciting Tulsi Dohawali and Ramcharitmanas is still followed. Some People find Moksha and attain salvation on this special day; some keep fast and do charities on his name by visiting Lord Rama, Lord Hanumana and Tulsidas Temples.

Life History | Tulsidas

Tulsidas was a great devotee of Lord Rama and Hanuman. He was a composer of  Ramcharitmanas, and great devotee of Lord Rama. It is believed that one has to take several births to attain this honor which Tulsidas was able to attain in his life. 

He was respected and worshipped by his followers and disciples. He was born in 1589 in  Rajapur (Chitrakuta), a village on the banks of the Yamuna river in Uttar Pradesh. His parents were Hulsi and Atmaram Dubey.Tulsidas was an unfortunate child and has go through various problems and sufferings during his childhood days. 

Later he was married to Ratnavali. He immensely loved his wife, and due to this one day he had to listen to harsh words uttered by his wife remarking, “ that if Tulsidas was even half as devoted to God as he was to her body of flesh and blood, he would have been redeemed from his suffering”. Tulsidas left her instantly and decided to devote his life in the worshipping of Lord Rama. He also gained wisdom from Guru Baba Narharidas.

He spent most the time of his life in Chitrakoot, Kashi and Ayodhya. He composed various scriptures while wandering from one place to another. His compositions include: Ramcharitmanas, Ktiwali, Janakimangal, Vinayapatrika, Geetawali, Hanuman Chalia, Barve Ramayana etc.

Major Compositions of Tulsidas

Tulsidas was a scholar of Sanskrit language and composed various scriptures in his life span. His most epic composition “Ramcharitmanas” is still read by people with immense faith and devotion.

It elaborates the various aspects of  life and deeds of the Lord Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is an immortal poetic classic and considered to be one of the best in the world literature.Dohavali. It is a work consisting of 573 miscellaneous Doha and Sortha verses. 

The verses are aphorisms on topics related to tact, political wisdom, righteousness and the purpose of life. Katvali is also a composition describing the life history of Lord Rama in the form of verses.  Like the Ramcharitmanas, it is divided into seven Kands or books and many episodes in this work are different from the Ramcharitmanas.

Gitavali is a collection of songs and also divided into seven kands. Other than these, Barve Ramayana, Hanuman Bahuk, Ramlal Nahchu, Janaki Mangal, Rmgya Prashna and Sankat Mochan are some of his small compositions. Hanuman chalisa is second most popular composition of Tulsidas, after Ramcharitmanas.

Tulsidas As A Community Guide To Us

Tulsidas tried to remove malpractices through his compositions . He used to criticize the social issues prevailing in the country and preached people about their negative effects. 

He made various attempts to raise up the practice of true worshipping, protection of brahmins, and honor of ancient scriptures. He wanted to create a ram rajya  where everyone can live a peaceful life without any malpractices. Many people tried to destroy his compositions out of jealousy.

Even today Ramlila is held every year in various parts of the country. On Tulsidas Jayanti people recite verses from Ramcharitmanas and his other compositions. It is said that he spent his last days of life in Kashi and died in 1680 on Shravan Tritiya at the bank of Asi Ghat while chanting the name of Lord Rama.

Tulsidas Jayanti | Significance

Tulsidas was one of highly much-admired and knowledgeable poet of his times. Besides rendering incredible pieces of work he was also a saintly figure who was known for his good deeds. Moreover his life was noted for various miracles, one of which incorporates his meeting with Lord Hanuman and that was followed by divine darshan of Lord Ram. 

It is a popular belief that Saint Tulsidas was helped by Lord Hanuman while composing Ramcharitmanas. Some of the people even consider him to be an avatar of Sage Valmiki. The Ramcharitmanas written by Tulsidas gives more emphasis on Bhakti towards the Supreme Being. Out of the twelve outstanding works of Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas was the most famous.

Tulsidas Jayanti | Quotes

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  • Lord Ram gave Hanuman a quizzical look and said, "What are you, a monkey or a man?" Hanuman bowed his head reverently, folded his hands and said, "When I do not know who I am, I serve You and when I do know who I am, You and I are One.

  • भलेउ पोच सब बिधि उपजाए । गनि गुन दोष बेद बिलगाए ।। कहहिं बेद इतिहास पुराना । बिधि प्रपंचु गुन अवगुन साना ।। भले, बुरे सभी ब्रह्माके पैदा किये हुए हैं, पर गुण और दोषोंको विचारकर वेदोंने उनको अलग-अलग कर दिया है। वेद, इतिहास और पुराण कहते हैं कि ब्रह्माकी यह सृष्टि गुण-अवगुणोंसे सनी हुई है ।।२।।

  • तात स्वर्ग अपबर्ग सुख धरिअ तुला एक अंग।

  • Abandon pride, which is the same as Tamas-guna (darkness), rooted as it is in ignorance and is a source of considerable pain; and adore Lord Shri Rama, the Chief of the Raghus and an ocean of compassion.

  • Lust, anger, vanity and covetousness are all paths leading to hell. Abjuring, all these adore the Hero of Raghu’s line, whom saints worship.

  • There can be no happiness for a being nor can its mind know any peace even in a dream so long as it does not relinquish desire, which is an abode of sorrow.

Tulsidas Hindi | दोहा 

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तुलसी साथी विपत्ति के विद्या, विनय, विवेक। साहस सुकृति सुसत्याव्रत राम भरोसे एक।।

  • मतलब- तुलसीदासजी के अनुसार मुसीबत आने पर मनुष्य के ये 7 गुण काम आते हैं।  ज्ञान, विनम्रता,  विवेक, साहस, अच्छे कर्म, सच्चाई और भगवान में आस्था।

  • ज्ञान- मुसीबत में व्यक्ति ज्ञान ही सबसे बड़ी ताकत होती है जिसका प्रयोग कर बड़ी से बड़ी समस्या का हल प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

  • विनम्रता- विनम्रता अच्छे मानव का गहना होता है। मुसीबत में हमेशा विनम्र व्यक्ति ही जीतता है। ये गुण आपको किसी भी मुसीबत से बचा सकता है।

  • विवेक- अच्छे विवेक से व्यक्ति कठिन से कठिन समय में भी सही फैसला लेता है।

  • साहस- साहस ऐसा गुण है जो व्यक्ति को मुसीबत से बचाता है। साहसिक व्यक्ति मुश्किल  काम को भी आसान बना देता है।

  • अच्छे कर्म- जो व्यक्ति अच्छा कर्म करता है उसके पास मुसीबत ज्यादा देर तक नहीं टिक पाती।

  • सच्चाई- विपरीत और कठिन समय में भी सच का साथ कभी नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए।

  • आस्था- मुश्किल समय में भगवान पर आस्था रखनी चाहिए। तभी परेशानियों से मुक्ति मिलती है।

Tulsidas Jayanti | तुलसीदास जयंती 2020 शायरी

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  • नमन करू तुम चरणों में, राम चरित के रचेता तुलसीदास दोनों कर जोडू, राम ह्रदय विजेता

  • हनुमान चालीसा लिखी, अमर अमिट ये गाथा, घट में हरी बसे तुम्हरे, मन भक्ति में लागा दरस दिए राम लला ने, हनुमत संग बिराजे उदय हुआ सुख का सूरज, भाग्य किस्मत जागा

  • धन्य गुरुवर लेखनी, धन्य तुम्हारी करनी, धन्य है वो देव पिता भी, धन्य तुम्हारी जननी, जिसको लागा हरी रंग लागा, रंग कोई लागे ना रंगी तो बस मन चदरिया, हरी के रंग है रंगनी

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  • धर्म किसी देश के सभी लोगों को एकजुट रखने में समर्थ होता है।

  • अभिमानी व्यक्ति चाहे वह आपका गुरु, पिता व उम्र अथवा ज्ञान में बड़ा भी हो, उसे सही दिशा दिखाना अति आवश्यक होता है।

  • सूर समर करनी करहिं कहि न जनावहिं आपु | बिद्यमान  रन पाइ रिपु कायर कथहिं प्रतापु || अर्थ: शूरवीर तो युद्ध में शूरवीरता का कार्य करते हैं ,कहकर अपने को नहीं जनाते |शत्रु को युद्ध में उपस्थित पा कर कायर ही अपने प्रताप की डींग मारा करते हैं |

  • सहज सुहृद  गुर स्वामि सिख जो न करइ सिर मानि | सो  पछिताइ  अघाइ उर अवसि होइ हित  हानि ||अर्थ: स्वाभाविक ही हित चाहने वाले गुरु और स्वामी की सीख को जो सिर चढ़ाकर नहीं मानता ,वह हृदय में खूब पछताता है और उसके हित की हानि अवश्य होती है |

  • तुलसीदास जी ने उस समय में समाज में फैली अनेक कुरीतियों को दूर करने का प्रयास किया अपनी रचनाओं द्वारा उन्होंने सामाज में उत्पन्न बुराईयों को खत्म करने की बात कहीं। 

  • आज भी भारत के कोने-कोने में रामलीलाओं का मंचन होता है। उनकी जयंती के उपलक्ष्य में पूरे देशभर में रामचरित मानस व ग्रंथों का पाठ किया जाता है। तुलसीदास जी ने अपना अंतिम समय काशी में व्यतित किया और वहीं राम जी के नाम का स्मरण करते हुए अपने शरीर का त्याग किया।

Goswami Tulsidas Jayanti 

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